(Martin Jones) #1

2 Change these sentences into the future tense:

1 Pedro cantaba todos los días en Madrid.
2 María ha escrito un libro.
3 Juan y Miguel tienen un trabajo muy bueno.
4 Rafael y yo fuimos a Mallorca de vacaciones.
5 No supe contestar.
6 ¿Ud. llamó a mi casa?
7 Vosotros no comprasteis esa casa.
8 ¿Condujiste un camión hasta Alicante?
9 Este libro no cabe en la maleta.
10 No ha dicho nada.

3 Your friends have just won one million euros in the lottery. These are the questions you
would like to ask them:

1 Will you (tú) leave your job?

2 Will you (vosotros) go on holiday?

3 Will Maite buy another car?

4 Will your (tú) parents have a party?

5 Will we see you (vosotros) soon?

6 Will Maite and Pepe sell their house?

7 Will you (vosotros) come to England?

8 Will Loreto know it?

9 Will you (vosotros) have a boat?

10 And finally, will you (tú) lend me some money?

4 Finish the following sentences with the appropriate verb in the future:
podremos compraréis aprobaré saldrás
pondremos vendrá sabrá cabremos lloverá ganarán

The future tense 141
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