Tiene veintiún años.
She is 21 years old.
Hay veintiuna casas.
There are 21 houses.
Notice that numbers 21 to 29 are written as one word in modern Spanish. You may come
across some older spellings where they appear as separate words:
e.g. veinte y dos 22
(^) veinte y ocho 28
A hundred is either cien or ciento depending on the context in which it is used.When it is
followed by a plural noun,it is cien:
e.g. cien hombres 100 men
cien casas 100 houses
When it is followed by another number, it is ciento:
e.g. ciento veintiocho 128
The exception to this rule is 100,000,which is cien mil.
Numbers above 100 are as follows:
(^200) doscientos
(doscientas before a feminine plural noun)
300 trescientos
400 cuatrocientos
500 quinientos
600 seiscientos
700 setecientos
(^800) ochocientos
900 novecientos
1.000 mil
2.000 dos mil
1.000.000 un millón
It is very easy to combine numbers in Spanish:
105 ciento cinco
Basic Spanish: A grammar and workbook 10