256 doscientos cincuenta y seis
(^389) trescientos ochenta y nueve
1.247 mil doscientos cuarenta y siete
2.321 dos mil trescientos veintiuno
1.750.459 un millón setecientos cincuenta mil cuatrocientos cincuenta y nueve
Notice that the only place y occurs is between tens and units.
Note: In numbers a full stop is used to mark off thousands or millions, when in
English we would use a comma. The comma is used where we would use the decimal
point in English (e.g. 12,6% el doce coma seis por ciento – ‘twelve point six per cent’).
Using the above examples you should now be able to say any number in Spanish that
you are likely to need.
Telling the time
This is very straightforward in Spanish.
If it is on the hour:
Es la una.
It’s one o’clock.
Son las dos.
It’s two o’clock.
Son las tres.
It’s three o’clock, etc.
Note the use of es in the case of one o’clock and son in all other cases.
To express a number of minutes past the hour y is added to the above, followed by the
appropriate number:
Son las ocho y veinte.
It is twenty past eight.
Son las tres y cinco.
It is five past three.
Es la una y diez.
It is ten past one.
Numbers, times and dates 11