The 24-hour clock is used in the same circumstances as in English, for example when
announcing departure times of trains or planes:
e.g. Las trece veintiséis
thirteen twenty-six
Days of the Week
The days of the week are as follows:
domingo Sunday
lunes Monday
martes Tuesday
miércoles Wednesday
jueves Thursday
viernes Friday
sábado Saturday
Notice that capital letters are not used unless the word comes at the beginning of the
The days of the week are all masculine nouns and to say ‘on Monday’ the definite
article el is used:
e.g. el lunes on Monday
To say ‘on Mondays’ (i.e.regularly, every week) the definite article is used with the
plural noun:
e.g. los lunes on Mondays
Months of the year
Months are also masculine nouns and like days are written with small letters:
enero January
febrero February
marzo March
abril April
mayo May
junio June
julio July
Numbers, times and dates 13