(Martin Jones) #1

agosto August
se(p)tiembre* September
octubre October
noviembre November
diciembre December

*The Spanish for ‘September’ can be spelt either with or without the p. The more modern
spelling is setiembre.
en is used to say ‘in...’:
e.g. en julio in July


To ask the date you could say either:

¿Qué fecha es hoy?

In which case the answer might be:

Es el dos de mayo.
It is the second of May.

Or you could say:

¿A qué estamos?

In this case the answer would be:

Estamos a dos de mayo.
It is the second of May.

The first of the month is commonly expressed by el uno de, but el primero is also found.

El uno de diciembre.
El primero de diciembre.

If you want to add the year to the date, it is normally joined to the date by de:
e.g. El doce de marzo de dos mil uno.

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