hablas you speak
(^) habla he/she speaks, you speak
hablamos we speak
habláis you speak
hablan they speak, you speak
Here are some other regular -ar verbs that you could now use:
buscar to look for estudiar to study
cantar to sing mirar to look at
comprar to buy nadar to swim
desayunar to have breakfast tomar to take
escuchar to listen viajar to travel
You will have the chance to practise using some of these verbs in the exercises at the end
of this unit.
Now that you know how the present tense of regular -ar verbs work, you will have no
problem with the other two categories. Here are the endings for regular -er and regular -ir
-er -ir
-o -emos -o -imos
-es -éis -es -ís
-e -en -e -en
Here are examples of regular -er and -ir verbs:
comer (to eat) vivir (to live)
como I eat vivo I live
comes you eat vives you live
come etc. vive etc.
comemos vivimos
coméis vivís
comen viven
Other regular -er and -ir verbs are:
beber to drink
leer to read
vender to sell
Basic Spanish: A grammar and workbook 22