This is not an exhaustive list of irregular verbs, but they are some of the most common
ones that you will want to use from the beginning of your study of Spanish. Other
irregular verbs will be pointed out as they occur.
ser and estar
These two verbs meaning ‘to be’ have quite distinct uses in Spanish, some of which are
obvious and some of which are less so to the non-native speaker. They will be dealt with
in greater depth in a later unit, but for the moment we will look at some of the most basic
differences between them that you will need to be aware of from an early stage.
ser is used to express permanent characteristics of a person or object:
María es guapa.
Maria is pretty.
Soy español.
I am Spanish.
La casa es grande.
The house is big.
estar is used to express temporary states:
¿Cómo estás?
How are you?
No estoy contento.
I am not pleased.
estar is also used for positions and locations, whether they are temporary or permanent:
Madrid está en España.
Madrid is in Spain.
Los libros están en la mesa.
The books are on the table.
Mi madre está en la cocina.
My mother is in the kitchen.
Basic Spanish: A grammar and workbook 30