
(coco) #1

introduction) is and will remain the standard work and ‘‘gold mine’’ on Asclepius. For visual
representations of the process of incubation see Van Straten 1976. Individual healing sanctuaries
have received varying degrees of attention but publications can be found easily. For Epidaurus,
Burford 1969 studies the organization and administration of the construction work on the
sanctuary in the fourth and third centuries BC. Tomlinson 1983 presents a concise discussion
of the site and its monuments. Aleshire 1989 and 1991 are superb on the Athenian Asclepieum,
which is explored through the lens of its inventories. The main treatment of the Amphiareum at
Oropus is Petrakos 1968. Pleket 1991 is important with regard to questions of religious
mentality and the representative character of the worship of healing deities.

A Day in the Life of a Greek Sanctuary 177
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