Soren Kierkegaard

(Romina) #1

the System of Moral Philosophy of Dr. Hans “Dialectic of Faith, The” (Christensen),
Martensen,” The(Eiriksson), 425 424–25
“Contributions to an Aesthetic Morality” “Dialectical Result of a Literary Police In-
(Johan Ludvig Heiberg), 71 vestigation, The,” 399
Copenhagen, 8, 11, 102–4, 301–4; fire of Dictionary of the Danish Language, 292
1795, 4, 302, 605; flophouses in, 533; Diogenes Laertius, 351–52
Kierkegaard’s inclusion of in his writ- Dogmatic Information(Martensen), 581, 737
ings, 305–8; and the religious under- Don Giovanni(Mozart), 121–22, 333
ground, 32–37; unhygienic state of, Don Juan(Molie`re), 220
535–40 Dørge, Dr., 129–30
Corsair, The, 63, 375, 377–79, 563, 572, Dr. Søren Kierkegaard’s Attack on Bishop
573, 581, 620, 669; attacks on Kierke- Mynster’s Posthumous Reputation(J. Palu-
gaard, 395–402, 413, 429, 671, 760, dan-Mu ̈ller), 740
771, 807; editorial committee, 376–77, Drier, Frederik, 703
378; etiology of title, 377; first issue,
377; Kierkegaard’s assessment of, 382, Edifying Discourses in Various Spirits, 297,
405–6,408,411–12;Norwegianenthusi- 546, 661, 688
asm for, 383; sale of, 668; ultimate ef- Eighteen Edifying Discourses, 333
fects of on Kierkegaard, 414–18, 430, Eiriksson, Magnus, 425–26, 427, 534, 638,
471, 482, 569–71 646
Crisis and a Crisis in the Life of an Actress, Either/Or, 14, 17, 77, 120, 122, 152, 190–
The, 548–60, 561, 572, 584 91, 214–18, 312, 317, 340, 363, 420,
Critical Sketches(P. M. Møller), 384 431–32, 553, 585, 635, 773; as anti-bil-
“Cross Sections,” 305–6 dungsroman, 359; and Don Giovanni,
cultivation, 359–61 278–79; as“Either and Or,”479, 592;
“Cursory Observation concerning a Detail “Immediate Stages of the Erotic,” 77;
inDon Giovanni, A” (“A”), 333 Kierkegaard’s opinion of, 224–26; pub-
Cycle of Ethical-Religious Essays, A, 575; lishing history of, 508–10, 574–75; re-
Kierkegaard’s foreword to, 499–500 views of, 218–24; and Victor Eremita,
213, 215, 220; writing of, 211–13, 334
daguerreotypes, 464 Elementary Christian Teachings(Grundtvig),
Dahl, F.P.J., 199 768
Dampe, J. J., 60 Engels, Friedrich, 486, 501
Danish Dictionary(Molbech), 334 Engelstoft, C. T., 29, 728, 734
Danish Folk Legends(Thiele), 54 epilepsy, 457–60; as “falling sickness,” 461;
Danish monetary units (during Kierke- the “great” epileptics, 458; and hyper-
gaard’s time), xix graphia, 458; legal and social condemna-
Danish Pantheon(P. M. Møller), 387 tion of, 460–61
De omnibus dubitandum est, 14–15 “Episode from ‘The Seducer’s Diary’”
“Declaration and a Bit More, A,” 332–33 (anon.), 222
Denmark, 129, 614, 660; cholera epidemic “Epistle to the Reader,” 336–37
in,700–702;nationalismof,62–63;polit- Essence of Christianity, The(Feuerbach),
ical and social issues in, 60–61 808–9
Descartes, Re ́ne, 84 Eternity: Nine Letters from Heaven to Dr.
Development of a Religious Life, Sketched in Søren Kierkegaard(Trojel), 780–81
Letters from Cornelius, published by Z, The Etlar, Carit, 418
(Emil Boesen), 293–94 Ewald, Johannes, 179, 182

{Index} 857
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