Soren Kierkegaard

(Romina) #1
Excerpts from a Young Girl’s Diary and Corre- Frederiksberg, 304
spondence(anon.), 342 French Revolution, the, 60
Extremes, The(Gyllembourg), 91 Freud, Sigmund, 432
“From Every Angle,” 305–6
Fædrelandet, xviii, xix, 61, 64 From Søren Kierkegaard’s Posthumous Papers
Fairy Tale of My Life, The(Andersen), 139– (Barford), 99, 132–33, 136, 771, 785,
40 806
Fairy Tales Told for Children(Andersen), From the Papers of One Still Living, Published
146 against His Will by S. Kierkegaard, 139,
“Faith and Dialectic: Against S. Kiekeg- 144, 151, 380
aard” (Christensen), 424 Further Contributions to the Negotiations con-
Faith of the Gospels and Modern Conscious- cerning Ecclesiastical Relations in Denmark
ness, The(R. Nielsen), 584–85 (J. Mynster), 668
Faust(ballet by Bournoville), 74
Faust(Goethe), 75–80 Gaarder, Sophie, 611
Fear and Trembling, 232, 447, 456, 628; as Gæa(P. M. Møller), 390–93, 394
anti-bildungsroman, 359–60; comparison General Map of Denmark, 475
toRepetition, 252; Hagen’s review of, Gibbs, Isaac, 38, 41
287; and Johannes de silentio, 252; and Giøwad, J. F., 213, 286, 405, 417, 472,
the problems of authority and revelation, 510–11, 548–49, 660, 742, 752
452; and Regine, 249–50, 256–57, 258, Glahn, Sophie Henriette, 294, 808
260; retelling of Abraham’s sacrifice of godly awakening movements, 32, 34
Isaac, 253–58, 260–61; retelling of the Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 70, 72, 74–
legend of Agnete and the Merman, 258– 75, 562
60;sleeplessmanin,263–65;andthesus- Goldschmidt, Aron, 221, 375, 376, 377,
ceptibility of repetition, 261–65; tax col- 378, 388, 395, 395, 396–97, 399, 405,
lectorin,261–63;titleof,251,252;writ- 415, 428, 429, 493, 514, 668–71, 773,
ing of, 249–51 807; onEither/Or, 375; on Kierkegaard’s
Fenger, Johannes Ferdinand, 24, 127, 539, death, 795–96, 800; Kierkegaard’s jabs
791 at, 379–82, 408–11; and Møller, 382–86,
Fibiger, Ilia, 786–87 392–93, 572
Fibiger, Johannes, 289 Grundtvig, Nikolai Frederik Severin, 36,
Fichte, Johann G., 153 318–25, 330–31, 494, 575, 590, 606,
First Love, The(Scribe), 219, 220 616, 666; on Kierkegaard’s death, 796;
Fisherman, The(Ewald), 182 rejoinder to Kierkegaard’s attacks on the
Flyve-Posten, xviii, 49 clergy, 766–68
Flyveposten, 64, 66, 67, 71, 141; subscribers Gude, Ludwig, xvii, 681, 698, 699, 745,
to, 63 747
“Flyveposten’s Collegium Politicum: A Gu ̈nther, Anton, 123
Touching Comedy in Six Scenes,” 66– Gyldendal, Søren, 17–18, 510, 513
67 Gyldenstierna, Nils Kristoffer, 53
For Self-Examination, 110–11, 682–83 Gyllembourg, Thomasine (nee ́Buntzen),
Four Edifying Discourses, 286, 358, 674 68, 91, 358, 487–88, 549, 572–73
“Fragments of a Correspondence” (anon.),
221–22 Hage, Johannes, 64, 65
Frederik VI, 7, 23, 60, 62, 68, 103–4, 304, Hagen, J. F., 222–24; onFear and
388 Trembling, 287; onPhilosophical Frag-
Frederik VII, 483–84, 493 ments, 424

858 {Index}

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