Hahn, Johan, 67, 131 “How the Wandering Philosopher Discov-
Hall, C. C., xix, 730, 751, 808 ered the Wandering Actual Editor of
Hamann, Johann Georg, 151, 252–53 The Corsair” (Goldschmidt), 396–97
Hammerich, Frederick, 14, 127, 139 Humoristiske Intelligensblade, 65–66, 389
Hammerich, Martin, 31, 120–21, 127, 194 Hvidt, L. N., 493–94
Hanck, Henrietta, 225 Hyllested, Andreas, 5
Handbook for Therapy(O. Bang), 107, 461–
62, 784 “In Defense of Women’s Higher Origin”
Hansen, Magdalene, 748 (Lind), 48–49
Hartmann, J.P.E., 575, 728 “In vino veritas,” 146
“Has Dr. Søren Kierkegaard Performed a Indications for the Recognition of Diseases of the
Good Deed in Protesting against Calling Lungs and Heart(Trier), 794
Bishop Mynster a Witness to the Information from Copenhagen’s Only Royally
Truth?” (Tryde), 743 Licensed Advertising Office. SeeAdresseavi-
Hauch, Carsten, 492, 574, 575, 590, 748, sen
(^784) Ingemann, B. S., 140, 145, 422, 575, 743,
Hegel, G.W.F., 83, 85, 210, 336, 426, 618 744–45, 748
Hegermann-Lindencrone, Johan Heinrich, Intelligensblade, 220–21; contributors to,
Heiberg, Johan Ludvig, 48, 49, 52, 63–65, Introductory Lecture to the Logic Course Begun
68–74, 79, 192, 199, 284, 288, 317, 318, in November 1834 at the Royal Military
320, 357–61, 378–79, 387, 415, 545–46, College(Johan Ludvig Heiberg), 79, 81
550, 571–73, 590, 618; and the concept Iron Ring Conspiracy, 60
ofBildung, 70–72; on Danish cuisine, irony, 192–93, 195–96;Repetitionas an ex-
73–74; onEither/Or, 218–20, 224–25, ample of, 232
280–81; on Goethe and Hegel, 70; Kier- Is Dr. H. N. Clausen, Professor of Theology,
kegaard’s dedications to, 358; onRepeti- an Honest Christian Teacher in the Chris-
tion, 248 tian Church?(Lindberg), 32–33
Heiberg, Johanne Luise, 418 Is Faith a Paradox “by Virtue of the Absurd”?
Heiberg, P. A., 60, 68, 99–100, 133 (Eiriksson), 646
Helveg, Frederik, 455, 458 Isolated Subjectivity in Its Principal Forms, The
Herodotus, 351–52 (A. Adler), 441
Hertz, Henrik, 69–70, 88, 150–52, 189, Italian Woman and Her Child, The(Bau-
286, 428, 429, 574, 590
Hess, Helene Mathilde, 579 mann), 517
Hippocrates, 457 Iversen, A.C.D.F.G., 797
Hjorth, Søren, 463
Hoffman, E.T.A., 98 Jacobsen, Jens Peter, 808
Hohlenberg, Johannes, xix Jacobsen, L. L., 39
Hohlenberg, M. H., 29, 439 Jacobsen, P. V., 69
Holberg, Ludvig, 289 Jew, A(Goldschmidt), 385
Holst, H. P., 21, 65, 69, 121, 139, 224, Johan Ludvig Heiberg after Death, 220
328, 387 Jørgensen, Jørgen, 106
Hornemann, J. W., 28, 52, 535, 537, 538 “Julia, Julia, jump, jump” (von der Recke),
Hostrup, Jens Christian, 419^533
“How I Have Understood Myself through- “June (Copenhagen’s Ramparts)” (P. M.
out the Whole of My Work as an Au- Møller), 389
thor,” 435–36 “Just a Moment, Mr. Andersen!” 145
{Index} 859