Two Ethical-Religious Essays, 561, 585, 626– Wessel, Johan Herman, 289
27; “Has a Human Being the Right to Westergaard, Anders Christensen, 532,
Allow Himself to be Put to Death for 539–40, 689
the Truth?” 627–29; reviews of, 629–30 Weyse, C.E.F., 518
“Two New Witnesses to the Truth,” 744 What Christ Judges with Respect to Official
Christianity, 755
Unchangingness of God, The, 674 “Who I Am and What I Want,” 773
“Unhappy Lover in theDanish Church “Who Is the Author ofEither/Or?” 216
Times, An,” 425 Why Do It This Way?(Thurah), 779
Urania, 284 Wilhelm, Peter, 217
“Urgent Request,” 215–16 Wilhelm Meister(Goethe), 75
Ussing, J. L., 477 Williston, Ralph, 43–44
Winslow, Carl, 69
Virgil, 484 Winther, Christian, 69, 132, 179, 184, 311,
Visby, Carl Holger, 328–29 314, 386, 574, 590
“Vocalizations forOn the Concept of Anxi- With What Right Is Theology Called a Lie?
ety,” 348 (Christensen), 216
Vodskov, Hans Sofus, 808 Wolff, August, 292, 811–12
von Baader, Fritz, 501 Wolff, Christian, 13, 140
von der Recke, Adolph, 533 Works of Love, 331, 358, 476, 478, 479–80,
von Nutzhorn, D. A., 45, 129–30 551, 660, 679, 683; on covetousness,
von Oldenburg, G. F., 475 484, 485–86; as “opposition to commu-
von Strehlenau, Nikolaus Franz Niembsch nism,” 503–4
Elder (aka Lenau), 78 WorldasWillandasRepresentation(Schopen-
hauer), 707–8
Waage, Georg Holger, 112, 127 Writing from the Year 2135(Sibbern), 459–60
“Wandering Philosopher, A” (P. M. Writing Samples, 353–57, 363; and A.B.-
Møller), 389 C.D.E.F. Goodhope, 354
Wegener, C.F., 123 Wulff, Henriette, 216–17, 785
Weiland, C. F., 475
Weis, Carl, 407 Zahle, Peter Christian, 310, 428, 534, 675,
Welding, F. P., 21 793
Werder, Karl, 209 Zinck, Otto, 314–15, 428
Wergeland, Henrik, 383 Zinzendorf, Count, 11
{Index} 867