(nextflipdebug2) #1

After quoting some relevant verses of the Holy Qu-
ran, the learned author continues :
"Thanks to Islam, paganism in its various forms
was defeated. The concept of the universe, the prac-
tices of religion, and the customs of social life were
each liberated from all the monstrosities which had
degraded them, and human minds were made free of
prejudice. Man finally realized his dignity. He hum-
bled himself before the Creator, the Master of all
"The spirit was liberated from pprejudice, man's
will was set free from the ties which had kept it
bound to the will of other men, or other so-called
hidden powers. Priests, false guardians of mysteries,
brokers of salvation, all those who pretended to be
mediators between God and man and consequently
believed that they had authority over other people's
wills, fell from their pedestals. Man became the ser-
vant of God alone and towards other men he had

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