(nextflipdebug2) #1
to help the afflicted, to

lighten the sorrow of the

sorrowful, and to remove

the wrongs of the in-

jured”. (Sayings of Mu-


“Hast thou observed

him who belieth religion?

That is he who repelleth

the orphan and urgeth not

the feeding of the needy.

Ah, woe unto worship-

pers who are heedless of

their prayer; who would

be seen at worship, yet

refuse small kindnesses!”

(The Quran 107:1-7.

“Those who spend their

wealth in the way of

and when he saw him, he

passed by on the other

side. And likewise a Le-

vite, when he was at the

place came, lokked on

him, and passed by on

the other side. But a cer-

tain Samaritan, as he

journeyed came where he

was; and when he saw

him, he had compassion

on him, and went to him,

and bound up his

wounds, pouring in oil

and wine, and set him on

his won beast, and

brought him to an inn,

and too care of him. And

on the morrow when he
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