(nextflipdebug2) #1
(The Quran 2:262-264).

“Do you love your

Creator? Love your fel-

low-creatures first.” (Say-

ings of Muhammad).

“No man is a true be-

liever unless he desires

for his brother that which

he desires for himself.”

(Sayings of Muhammad)

“Thou wilt see the faith-

ful in their having mercy

for one another and their

kindness towards one an-

other like the body; when

one member of it ails, the

entire body ails, one part

calling out the other with

Love and Sympathy

“Thou shall love thy

neighbour as thyself”

(Mark 12:31).

“A new commandment

I give unto you, That ye

love one another as I

have loved you, that ye

also love one another. By

this shall all men know

that yeare my disciples, if

ye have love one to an-

other” (John 13:34,35).
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