(nextflipdebug2) #1

Islam keeps a healthy balance between this world
and the next. it says that the spirit cannot grow by
crushing the body. Human instincts are not intrinsi-
cally bad. They must not be killed, but wisely con-
trolled, channeled and purposefully used to make the
life of man richer and better. This world has a
meaning and a purpose, and it is only by leading a
normal and fruitful life in the world and by appciat-
ing and enjoying the beautiful gifts of God that man
can come near to God, be of service to others, and
prepare himself for the other world. Islam favours
the middle path. The Holy Prophet declared that
there was no monkery in Islam.

Wine, Sex, Gambling
Whille, on the one hand Christianity favours mon-
asticism, on the other, it nowhere seems to have pro-
hibited the three gateways to most crimes and sin-
wine, gambling aid the improper display of physical

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