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the basic duties of the individual towards the state
and of the state towarcs the individual and of one
State towards another State. It lays down some basic
principles which every community is enjoined to
adopt and then gives each the liberty to develop its
structure according to the needs of the age, provided
this super-structure observes the basic principles and
remains within their scope.
The first basic principle of the Islamic political sys-
tem is that the sovereignty of the State rests with
God and no legislature or parliament has the right to
pass a Law or Act which is contrary to the spirit and
letter of the commands the prophet. Thus Islam en-
sures uniform justice and saves the state and the des-
tinies of the people from being swayed by the
whims, shortsighted decisions of the legislators, and
the minority group from the brute will of the majori-
ty, and the interests of the people as a whole from
those of the dominating economic class in the parlia-

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