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ment. The Holy Quran Says :
,”Say: O God Owner of Sovereignty! Thou givest
sovereignty unto whom Thou withdrawest sove-
reignty from whom Thou wilt. Thou exaltest whom
Thou wilt and Thou abasest whom Thou wilt, In Thy
hand is the good. Lo! Thou art able to do all things."
The second basic principle is that all men are equal
before law and in the sight of God. They have equal
political rights. The same, law applies to all. in an Is-
lamic ,State no one, not even the head of the state, is
above Law. For the breach of any law, even the Ca-
liph can be summoned in the court and punished, if
found guilty.
The third basic principle is that all public offices
including that of the chief executive, are trusts from
God, and the trustes must exercise the authority giv-
en to them as per the command of God and for the
benefit of the people. As the Head of the State is ap-

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