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salve, citizen and serf, and no discrimination on the
basic of race or colour, or sex or creed. All are equal
before law and enjoy the same rights.

The Economics of Islam
In the ecloillic field, Islam considers all unearned
income to be unjust and unlawful. It upholds the dig-
nity of labour. The Prophet said:
"No one eats better food than that which he eats
out of the work of his own hands." (B.khari, 35:15).
In the social order of Islam the possibility of ex-
ploitation of man by man is minimized, without the
total abolition of private property or enterprise, by
the prohibition of monopoly, blackmarketing, hoard-
ing and interest (riba), that is, a fixed extra return for
money lent of any purpose. Says the Quran:
“Those who live on interest cannot rise up save as
he ariseth whom the devil hath prostrated by his
touch. That is because they say: Trade is just like in-
terest; whereas God permitteth trading and forbid-

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