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deth interest” (2:275).
In order to reduce inequality and make sure that
every one gets the basic necessities and has equal
opportunities in life, Islam imposes a tax on the capi-
tal of the rich for the benefit of the poor. This tax,
called Zakat, is different from and in addition to
Khairat or voluntary charity. Moreover, the Quran
contains frequent and repeated exhortations to the
people to spend their wealth for the welfare of oth-
ers. It says that the profession of faith and the relig-
ious devotions of a man who is not actively engaged
in works of Mercy are vain and not acceptable be-
fore God. And, finally, by its judicious laws of in-
heritance. Islam makes the concentration of wealth
in few hands imposible.
While not ignoring the importance of economic ac-
tivities in human life, Islam strongly condemns the
tendency to judge people by their financial and so-
cial status. The mark of a man's worth is not his

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