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mutual respect in inter-religious affairs and relations.
In the Islamic social order all individuals and relig-
ious communities are free to follow the religion f
their own choice. No individual or religious commu-
nity hass the right to impose his own beliefs on oth-
ers or to restrict in any way the profession, Preach-
ing and practice, by others of the religion which
appeals to them. Says the Holy Quran:
There is no compulsion religion.” (2:256)
The Islamic attitude towards inter-religions rela-
tions is much more than that of nacre toleration. Is-
lam enjoins equal faith in the founders of all the
great religions of tile world. It invites people of oth-
er religions to join the Muslims in foriniiig a League
of Faiths to uphold tile principles of the Unity of
God and righteous conduct.
In Muslim countries Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians
and Hindus have enjoyed the freedom, which, till re-
cently was totally denied to the non-Christians in

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