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The Universal Brotherhood of Islam
The Islamic belief in the unity of mankind is the
corollary of the doctrine of the unity of God. The
self-same God is the Creator and Nourisher of the
men and women of all nationns, races, colours,
creeds and cultures. And hence all mankind may be
regarded as God's big family:
"Mankind are one community." (The Quran 2:213)
"All God's creatures are His family, and he is the
most beloved of God who tries to do the "greatest
good to God's creatures." (Sayings of Muhammad)
Islam rejects all false criteria of superiorly based
on race, nationality, colour or languge. It makes
righteousness and good conduct the only mark of su-
periority in the sight of God:
"O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and
female and made you nation and tribes that ye may
kiow one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the

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