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ways to the same. His compassion for the sinners
and sufferers was truly admirable. About him it may
well be said that he conquered the devil.

The Prophecies of Jesus About Muhammad
The crime of the Jews against Jesus deprived them
of God's blessings and favours. Jesus told them that
after him
no prophet would appear among them and that the
Kingdom of God would be taken away from them
and given to a nation more worthy of it. Moreover,
he announced that the stone which the builders had
rejected, the same had been chosen by God to be-
come the corner-stone. Meaning thereby that the
children of Ishmael, whom the children of Israel had
rejected and disowned, had been chosen by God for
his greatest blessings the World-Prophet would ap-
pear from among the Ishmaelites. Jesus gave the
prophecy of his coming in no uncertain terms:
"I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye

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