(nextflipdebug2) #1

In an age it would be more acceptable format to be-
gin the seconal part of the quote two lives down.
charged with supernaturalism, when miracles were
accepted as the stock-in-trade of the most ordinary
saint, Muahmmad refused to traffic with human
weakness and credulity. To miracle-hungry idolators
seeking signs and portents he cut the issue cleann:
'God has me to work wonders; He has sent me to
preach to You.
My Lord be praised! A. I more than a man sent as
an apostle ?' From first to last he resisted every im-
pulse to glamorize his own person. 'I never said that
Allah's treasures are in my hand, that I knew the hid-
den things, or that I was an angel... I am only a
preacher of God's signs be sought, let them be not of
Muhammad's great-words.the bringer of God's mes-
sage to mankind.' If ness, but of God's, and for these
one need only open one's eyes. The heavenly bodies
holding their swift silent course in the vault of heav-

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