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en, the incredible order of the universe,the rain that
falls to relieve the parched earth, palms bending with
golden fruit, ships that glide across the seas laden
with goodness for man- can these be the handiwork
of gods of stone? What fools to cry for signs when
creation harbours nothing else! In a, age of creduli-
ty' Muhammad taught respect for the world's incon-
trovertible order which was to awaken Muslim sci-
ence before Christian. "I
And this is how the well-known historian, Laile-Poole,
sums up the character of the Prophet Muhammad :
"He who, standing alone, braved for years the ha-
tred of his people, is the same who was never the
first to with-draw his hnad from another's Clasp; the
beloved of children, who never passed a group of lit-
tle ones without a smile from his wonderful eyes and

a kind word for them, sounding all the kinder in that

sweet-toned voice.

  1. Huston Smith, The Religions of Man, Mentor Books. PP.205,206

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