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A man not only great but one of the greatest-i.e.,
truest--men that humanity has ever produced. Great,
i.e., not simply as a prophet but as a patriot and a
statesman: a material as well as a spiritual builder
who constructed a great nation, a great empire, and
more even than all these, a still greater Faith. True
moreover, because he was true to himself to his peo-
ple, and above all to his God. Recognising this, he
will thus acknowledge that Islam is a profound and
true cult, which strives to uplift its votaries from the
depths of human darkness into the higher realms of
Light and Truth.”1
Finally, this is what Lamartine, one of the greatest
poets of France, writes about the greatness of Mu-
“Never has a man set himself, voluntarily or invol-
untarialy, a more sublime aim, since this aim was su-
perstitions which had been interposed between man

  1. Maj. A.G. Leonard, Islam, Her Moral and Spiritual Value, PP.20-21.

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