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el for men in all walks of life as the Prophet Muham-
mad did. We have no doubt that if Jesus had got the
chance he would have behaved exalctly as Prophet
Muhammad did; for both of them were prohets of
the same god.
Jesus never married and so he culd not become an
ideal husband and father. He did not triumph over
his enemies and so had no chance of showing how a
victor should behave towards his vanquished foes
who have spared no pains to annihilate him and his
followers. He did not have his pereccutors at his
mercy and so had no occasion to show real forbear-
ance and forgiveness. Jesus did not rise to power to
become the model of a benevolent and just ruler and
We must turn to Prophet Muhammad, and not Je-
sus, if we want to see the picture of an ideally happy
and plous married life and of a wise, just and benev-
olent ruler whom nothing could corrupt or divert

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