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soldier of God, the protector of the victims of intol-
erance and cruel violence, should behave on the bat-
tlefield and in moments of defeat and triumph.
The life of Jesus runs parallel to the early life of
the Prophet Muhammad, but Jesusded not live long
enough to give a practical shape to his teachings and
work out the social implication of his message. He
did not have the chance to enlarge his teachings to
cover all the situations of life and to bring about the
tremendous social reforms that Prophet Muhammad
did. The modern man, who has to lead a life as a a
husband, a father, a poor worker, a citizen a neigh-
bour, a despised advocate of new ideas and ways, a
victim of religious and political bigotry. a man with
authority, a successful leader of man, a soldier, a
businessman, a judge, and a ruler, will find Prophet
Muhammad as a perfect model for him in all situa-
tions and walks of life.

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