(nextflipdebug2) #1

For when he learn that his enemies were plotting
against his life, he declared that his "soul was ex-
ceedingly sorrowf,,ii unto death". he asked his disci-
ples to keep watch over him to protect him from his
enemies, and he prayed to God, "Abba, Father, all
things are possible unto Thee take away this cup
from me; nevertheless not what I will, but what
Thou Wilt". (Mark 14:36)
Secondly, we fail to see how the suffering and
death of one I man can wipe out the sins of others. It
sounds something like the physician breaking his
own head to cure the headache of his patients. The
idea of substitutionary or vicarious sacrifice is illogi-
cal, meaningless and unjust.
Thirdly, the idea that sheddirg of blood is neces-
sary to appease the wrath of God has come into
Christianity from tile primitive man's image of God
as an all-powerful demon. We see no connection at
all between sin and blood. What is necessary to

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