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wash away sin is not, blood, but repentance, re-
morse, persistent struggle against evil inclinations,
development of greater sympathy for mankind and
determination to carry out the Will Of od as revealed
to us through the Prophets. The Quran says: "To
God does not reach the flesh or the blood (of ani-
mals they sacrifice), but unto Him is acceptable
righteousness on your part". (22:37)
The doctrine of the Atonement makes the First Per-
son of Godhead into a blood-thirsty tyrant in order to
demonsrtate the self-sacrifice loe of the Second Per-
son. To a dispassionate critic. the sacrifice of the Se-
coul person ap, pears as much misplaced and mean-
ingless as the demand of the First person is cruel and

Arthur Weigall makes the following significant co-

iniaenl on the doctrine of the Atonement.
"We can no longer accept the appaling theological
doctrine that for some mystic reason a propitiatory

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