the adjustment is being made.
After the correction is made, or if no correction is needed,
further pressure will never alter the condition, in an adverse way.
Usually, one leg is not really shorter than the other. It only appears
so because the hip and atlas are out of place. Because the pelvic
bone is tipped higher on one side, the leg on that side is shorter. If a
bone in one leg is really shorter than the other side due to an
accident or a form of disease, there is no pretense of lengthening the
bone to make the correction.
Shoulder Disorders
Arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, neuritis and similar conditions
all develop from the same source — incorrect food that produces
toxins. Refer to the Master Cleanser for more detail. (See page 10).
Pains in the shoulder joint (bursitis) are relieved and corrected
at the phalangeal joint at the base of the little toes and little fingers.
For soreness or congestion across the rest of the shoulder, continue
working from the phalangeal joint across both feet to the base of the
big toes. All above conditions, with the cleansing diet, can be
completely corrected for normal action in the shoulders.