Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

body to solve the problem. But they still continued medication...
nothing else to do since they must kill those pesky germs which
were presumed to be the major
cause of illness.

Next solution: research. Has it been successful? Foundations
and government appropriated millions of dollars. More and more
groups were formed for disease research. More millions poured in as
more promises were given: "Success is just around the corner," "give
till it hurts," "there will soon be a breakthrough." The money came
in... but the breakthrough just didn't come through. Those pesky
little germs and viruses just wouldn't give up their secrets!
Could it be that the medics had been spending so much time
and money looking for the germs, and the chemicals to destroy them,
that they never had time to find the disease? Perhaps the germs were
not the cause after all, but the results. Perhaps the disease came first
and then the germs. Perhaps the germs even aided in getting rid of

The Colon

Some individuals began working on this principle and came up
with all the answers without collecting or spending millions of other
peoples' money. The truth was simple. The rules were simple.
Incorrect nutrition was the underlying cause. Bad food caused
congestion and toxic conditions — which in turn caused malfunction
of the cells and organs and produced overall deficiencies. To supply
these difficiencies another group discovered and isolated first
"vitamins," then minerals (natural ingredients of foods, of course),
put them in tablet and liquid form and packaged them in bottles. We
became a nation of "pill pushers." There was even a dream that one
day every need would be supplied by a pill or group of pills!
Research has not completely determined just how and what the body

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