Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

really needs and how it uses it despite the fact that tremendous
strides have been made in vitamin and mineral research. Many
conclusions have resulted, such as the five classifications of foods
which are needed daily and a certain number of essential vitamins.
With all this research, however, the limitations have still remained.
There are wide differences of opinion among the "experts" and in the
meantime people continue to be sick, concluding that further
research must be what is necessary.
To find the simple answers, we need only look to nature and become

The Simple Art of Nutrition

A mind and power greater than ours has already set up laws and
plans which work. We have only to work knowingly with these laws
and patterns and our endless search for health is over. It is only when
man decides he knows more than God, and works contrary to the
way He has established, that man becomes sick. This is neither
religious fanaticism nor pious platitude — just the plain fact
discoverable by anyone open and willing to discover it: working in
conformity with the laws of nature results in health; violating these
laws results in illness.

The body does not stumble along blindly. Rather, it is well-
controlled and organized to function automatically according to
precise and accurate plans. Any healing approach which does not
include this understanding fails in its ability to utilize the fullness of
the body's potentials. Operations, drugs, unnatural medicine, shots,
and antibiotics can never begin to compete with the complex yet
simple automatic laws of creative healing.

"Drugs" are essentially chemicals designed to alter the natural
behavior of cells and various bodily processes. The presumption is

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