Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

and minds has resulted. Crime, loss of property and life, has steadily
increased with the increase in the use of these drugs.

Getting even, or striking back at our parents and the adult world
in general, for their imperfections and lack of understanding is the
hard way to prove a point. It only adds more problems to both
parties involved. Must one become involved in the weaknesses and
depravity of adult civilization in the entirely justifiable search for

The price we pay for this abuse has reached and gone beyond
our ability to pay for and live with it. The trend must be reversed.
The development, growth, and manufacture of these useless
addictives must be eliminated from our society, if we ever hope to
produce a better world to live in. Only when we create it can we ever
hope to live in a better world.

Any possible good that drugs have to offer can easily be
duplicated and improved upon by simple and natural methods. If
these drugs were not manufactured and distributed by unscrupulous
people in the adult world, there would be no possible way our
children could procure them.

It is time for the younger generation to completely review the
whole situation. It is the duty of the young and the vital to bring
about the needed changes in our society. Why wait for the next
generation? This creative renewal cannot be accomplished by
wallowing in the filth the older generations have created. Don't let
someone's greed for money and power be your downfall.

Drugs do not bring one closer to the Divine or free one from
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