that our cells are functioning badly and that these chemicals will
correct their undesirable behavior. But chemical alteration of bodily
processes can be extremely harmful, and therefore we are told not to
take them except when prescribed or administered by a licensed
practitioner. The average person is not even allowed to purchase
most of these drugs without a prescription, so dangerous are they
considered to be!
When any person (or group, be it ever so prestigious!) attempts
to put a man-made system above God and His healing plan, the
results are bound to be failure, even disaster.
Licensed medical practitioners alone are permitted legally to
prescribe a large variety of essentially destructive drugs to anyone
who comes for help. Does this permission imply that these
practitioners are so wise that they can know all of the effects of these
drugs upon each person for whom they are prescribed? Does it
suggest that they are above the law and that a dangerous drug
suddenly becomes safe because the doctor prescribes it? Can he
make an unsafe drug safe? Does he have the God-given powers
greater than the powers of the "poisons"? (Think about it. Isn't this
what they are — poisons?) How can he make potentially death
dealing drugs suddenly harmless and healing at the same time?
The facts are that nothing the doctor can do will change the true
nature of drugs and poisons. They remain the same regardless of
how advanced toward the Divine he may consider himself to be.
All forms of medication have their dangerous side effects.
If there were no other way, then the hope of possible correction
might be worth taking such dangerous risks. But since there are