denied the right to use color for healing. This work should be highly
promoted and taught so that more people may have the great
advantages it has to offer.
Einstein writes that all forms of matter are light waves in
motion. All colors represent the energy of light waves in motion
vibrating at distinct and measurable rates.
All created things have colors, tones, and forms of their own.
Every created color tone, and thought associated with it, becomes a
living thing to torture man or exalt him according to his use or abuse
of the natural laws. Colors are vibrations of creation. Color is the
result of chemical action. Color creates chemical action and matter.
Whether their practitioners are aware of it or not, all systems of
healing depend on color, and the chemical action in the body which
produces color, to bring about any kind of change in body functions.
Even in medication a variety of colors is ever present. The chemicals
of which these medicines are composed contain mineral oxides and
compounds. When medication is taken into the body and utilized,
color becomes a part of the process of digestion, ingestion, and
oxidization. The power of white light in the form of color must be
present at all times or medication is useless. One big disadvantage of
color received through medication is the many dangerous side
effects attending its use.
Exercise, massage, manipulation, hot mineral baths, and other forms
of stimulation also depend upon the chemical action of color to heal
and build.
The process of digestion and assimilation of food produces
colors from the various elements in the food. If there are deficiencies
in our diet or assimilation, there is also a deficiency of color