White light, whether from the sun or an artificial source,
contains all the colors as seen in the rainbow (or as seen in an
ordinary prism). The true primary colors of white light are red, green
and violet. The secondary colors are yellow (a combination of red
and green) and blue, (combination of green and violet). By
combining these five colors in various ways, seven other colors are
produced to make twelve in all. (see No. 55).
By the scientific application of color to our bodies, we
introduce a natural energy that enables our bodies to eliminate waste
and congestion. At the same time, color can repair virtually every
form of damage due to injury or sickness.
The scientific application of color is one of the great natural
sources of healing. The results that have been achieved have been
little short of miraculous.
Truly the Divine science of color healing is a miracle of
simplicity. It is neither a fad nor an illusion. It deals with the higher
vibratory forces of nature through the source of all power - Light.
Since it is the visible rays of the sun that are used for healing
purposes, one might suppose that taking sun baths in the nude is the
most practical solution. This seems logical, but not quite reasonable.
If you believed in medication by drugs, when you became ill would
you go to the drug store and buy a combination of all the medicines
in the store and then proceed to take them all at once, hoping you
might get what you needed? Or would you buy only what you
thought you needed?
It is reasonable to take only the corrective you need at the time
you need it. In the scientific application of color, we project only
what we need at the time we need it. Even if it were feasible to use