surgery. There are many records-on file-of thousands of needless
deaths from those drugs -no different than the illegal drugs-, faulty
diagnosis, causing the victims to commit suicide and allow surgery
that destroys and kills. These tragedies occur because there is no law
that protects the victims from dangerous practices.
Just because a Doctor has a medical degree and a license to
practice it does not qualify him to treat because - as he says - he is
still practicing as he knows so little of the natural needs of the body.
With this situation, in mind, the public must realize that we have a
life and death situation in - so called, health actions running wild
with no controls or no health principals that are naturally required to
produce and retain normal healthy living that should pass the quality
standards of the divine direction. This is quite obvious or there
would not be so many terminally ill people dying from ignorance of
the true needs of the body in this age of great advances in technology
in other sciences for greater enlightenment of more abundant living
instead of millions of agonizing deaths yearly. It is really tragic that
medical-drug-doctors and surgery are allowed and promoted-by-law-
to continue their evil and ignorant ways at such a high cost of
finances, life and death.
Why should one go to a medical doctor for treatments for life
while there is corrections available, for your conditions for a short
period of time? Honestly now-wouldn't you-all of you rather have
fast and simple correction to endless and questionable drug
treatments that cost so much in money and misery?
The use of drugs - for any disease - does not - never does -
produce the desired results-if your desire is for correction instead of
relief because of the many dangerous side effects because none of
the drugs were never a part of the original natural makeup of the