Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

Many people go to Mexico or other countries for a variety of
drugs described as curing a variety of diseases. But drugs never cure
anything whether prescribed here or there and so the search goes on
for the lack of the the realities. The more that medicine changes the
more it remains the same dangerous drugs, expensive needless
surgery and lack of credible practices.
Why is a medical doctor permitted to dispense dangerous drugs
while others are not?

Medical drugs - as dangerous as other drugs - have the same
ability to addict and destroy the lives of those that use them for a
variety of diseases - through ignorance-of those trusted falsely to
heal those mysterious ills.

Within the realms of unresolved healing the remnants of the
ages of questionable magic drugs and potions have been expanded to
encompass a never ending supply of needless, useless and more
dangerous elixers lacking in the qualities most needed for natural
nutritional needs thus retaining the original symptoms and
complaints plus volumes of more dangerous undesirables.
It is realistically logically that the most important thing, in the mind
of the sick, is that they be allowed to use the very best of healing
regardless of from where it comes. There are several million people,
out there, lacking the quality of healing that is required to bring fast
and accurate healing because the Medical Doctors only treat them
with a large variety of drugs that do not heal but become addictive
instead. These drugs are foreign to the needs of the body with many
needless side effects that only delay the due process of natural
healing. Why should the people be shackled-enslaved-by such a
system of questionable nature, lacking the validity of natural

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