Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

no cure available.
With all the failures to find a cure for a variety of diseases,
medicine finally hit the jackpot, they found a cure for a disease that
existed only in a confused mind —the "Swine flu."
The false cure for the non-existent Swine flu became the worst
nightmare of criminal action that should have been prosecuted as a
crime of the century but they got away without any form of charges
or discreditment.
The disease never materialized to either the millions who took
the cure or to the many more millions who never took it but the side
effects from the cure were most devastating to the victims. Why was
no legal action taken against the offenders?

About The Author
Stanley Burroughs, now deceased, developed a successful system
which has already revolutionized the entire understanding of the art
of healing.

It is a brilliant and fresh approach to healing in its simplest
He has searched tirelessly, throughout the many years, to find
these natural laws of healing. He has simplified and clarified them
for fast and accurate results. The work is easy to understand and use
as an aid to find complete freedom and release from any and all
kinds of illnesses regardless of by what name they may be called.
These techniques and principles do not depend on faith, belief or
special religious rituals.

This system proves, by actual results, that there is absolutely no
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