Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

toxins loosened by the cleanse.
Thirteen years ago I had extremely high blood pressure. I didn't
feel too well so I went to the doctor. He gulped as he said to me,
"your blood pressure of 200 over 120."
He told me that he would start me on medication but I did not
think that drugs were the answer for me so I asked him, "How long
do I have to stay on drugs?" He replied, "Your hypertension will get
progressively worse so you will have to stay on the medicine
forever." He continued, "in thirty years of practice I have only had
two patients able to discontinue the medicine."
I was not pleased with his answer so I said, "You are looking at your
third patient who will get off the medicine."

He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders as if to say, "He is
insane." He said, "1 have hundreds of patients on medications for
high blood pressure, and you are the only one who makes a fuss."
I took one drug for a week but it made me dizzy so he changed the
medicine, he gave me one drug for high blood pressure and another
for nerves, which slowed me down; then another drug to pep me up
from the drug that was slowing me down.

I decided this program was not for me so I headed for Dr.
Shelton's in San Antonio, Texas, they took all my drugs and threw
them away and put me to bed to start my fast. I never dreamt I would
go without food so long but my fast lasted for 21 days on just
distilled water.

It is during the fast that conditions a person may have but is not
yet aware of, show up, as the body begins throwing off the poisons.
The man fasting in the next room passed gallstones on his 24th day.

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