Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

starts with the peristaltic action at the appendix on the right foot.
Start the reflex action at this point. From there, continue up the side
of the foot to the liver. This is the ascending colon. From the liver,
continue directly across the right foot and on to the left — continue
across the left to the spleen. Work with both hands back and forth
over this area as this will take in the transverse colon and the
pancreas. From the spleen continue down the side of the left foot.
This is the descending colon. As the heel is reached, work across the
foot to the tail bone reflex. This completes the circuit of the colon.
Reflexes along the full length of the inner part of both shin bones
relieves gas and congestion in the colon. Work up under the bone.
(No. 6).

I am strongly opposed to colonics or enemas as they can do
much damage. Only in extreme emergencies, should this action be
taken. After the emergency has passed, then Nature can be helped to
normal elimination. A mild herb laxative tea is best for a temporary
help. A good program of exercise or Yoga is by far the best.

Working on the reflexes to all parts of the colon, liver, pancreas,
and spleen stimulates and activates the natural secretions of insulin
for the permanent correction of diabetes. Of course, the correct food
must be eaten as given in the Master Cleanser — see page 13 for
further information on diabetes.

The Stomach 52 &

(No's 7, 8, 9 and 10)

The basic cause of all diseases is the toxins that produce
congestion, which in turn block the natural functions of the body.
These toxins clog or delay the many automatic controls. If the body

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