Written Feelings

(wallyisdead) #1


The past is faded and vague
The future is too uncertain
20s were lost to a plague
Name is too quiet to mention

A broken house with no windows
A door with a lock of steel
The battles, how does one win those?
When enemies aren't real

Been In my mind for too long
I forgot what real life's like
My crying turned into songs
And my laughter took a strike

A rhythm too monotone
A melody with no lyrics
Becoming my comfort zone
I'm too afraid of the critics

I keep repeating my lines
I sound like a broken record
I lost the spark in my rhymes
Like I don't put in the effort

I can't seem to find my focus
I lost it and lost my touch
Took me far too long to notice
That I have loosened my clutch

Letting life seep through my fingers
As if my tendons were severed
The fear, in my mind it lingers
Way deeper than I had measured

I lost myself in my words
In my rhymes, I aimlessly roam
The doctors, the beds, the wards
They're feeling much more like home

I feel my sanity fleeing
As I'm knocking on their door
I'm afraid I'll end up being
Just a book and nothing more

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