Written Feelings

(wallyisdead) #1

a Poet s Struggle

a connoisseur of the written words
Like a card dealer I place them
sharpen them like one does swords
Planning out just how I phrase them

Up until it comes to you
Oh, my darling, all words frail
Crossing each one down the queue
All the combinations fail

I'd think to call you cleopatra
In her royalty, divine
But your ruling of me outruns
Every dynasty to find

Maybe sunshine will suffice
But my love, you're not a star
Galaxies live in your eyes
Not like any, near or far

Maybe you're the blood inside me
Coursing through my every vein
But your love is more, it guides me
It’s the reason why I'm sane

Is it fair to call you angel?
Cause you're not too heavenly
But you are, oh every angle
Is what heaven is to me

see the pain I'm going through?
See the struggle of my pen?
There's nothing I'd compare you to
Without that being but a sin

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