Written Feelings

(wallyisdead) #1

Mona Lisa

Can I write my songs about you?
Mona Lisa, Can I draw you?
Can I smile? Am I allowed to?
Couldn't help it when I saw you

Can I kiss you, mi amore?
Can I sink deep in your gaze?
Oh darling, my heart is sore
You're setting my mind ablaze

Oh, if only you were mine
Iā€™d paint us a happy pair
Only then, Goddess divine
I would die joyous I swear

Oh, my rose, I'll never pick you
I will never cause you harm
This pain, I will never let through
I'll keep you happy and warm

I'll let you drink my blood as water
Let you eat my flesh as food
If you're mad, then it's a slaughter
For anyone who dares intrude

My Goddess, and all of Rome
My life and all that's ever lived
I'll love you from beyond the tomb
If someday I found you dead

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