Written Feelings

(wallyisdead) #1


I used to know why I was sad
And now I'm sad for no reason
I just end up feeling bad
At every place, time and season

I'm so sorry for myself
I'm sorry for being me
Sorry for everyone else
Even if they disagree

All I do is disappoint
Everyone with me included
Everyone misses the point
That I'm better off secluded

They say one infected apple
Can ruin a perfect batch
So, you know what’s gonna happen
If you thought we were a match

I'm no good. I'm wrong, defected
I don't like me, how could you?
If you ended up infected
I wouldn't know what to do

So please, darling. Run away.
I don't want to hurt you, dear.
I don’t want to see the day
When you look at me in fear.

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