Written Feelings

(wallyisdead) #1

Schrödinger’s cat

Not existing while existing
I guess I'm Schrödinger’s cat
A pen and a paper listing
The things that I know I lack

My being is being tortured
And my tears are leaking tears
Everything has lost its order
Never had it as appears

The battle and all the scars
Wondering how I had lost
Wasn't worth it from the start
And I can't afford the cost

History is but a liar
Stories are always one sided
God is the perfect denier
Of the prayer that were cited

You're reading the words I wrote
But my feelings, they're all mine
Go ahead and make a quote
Take a pen and underline

That's the only way I'll live
Since this life is but a story
I have only words to give
Take my book and read it for me

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