Aaronsohn, Aaron, 183
Adamson Act of 1916, 30
Addams, Jane, 93
Adler, Cyrus: as adviser to Schiff, 43;
and American Jewish Committee,
112; in American Jewish Congress
debate, 109, 216, 221, 222–23; on an
American Jewish historical society,
76; on Asch’s depiction of Schiff,
220; on the Balfour Declaration,
235; and Friedenwald’s resignation
from AJC, 218; on government re-
sponse to proposed Palestine pur-
chase, 283n.52; on Haifa Technikum
board, 184; and Haupt, 171; immi-
gration restriction opposed by, 157;
invited to become a shekel-payer,
226; Jacob H. Schiff: His Life and Let-
ters,xiii; on Jewish support for Japan
against Russia, 134; in Jewish Theo-
logical Seminary reorganization,
102; on minority rights, 241; at 1919
strategy meeting with Schiff, 250; in
Russian treaty abrogation campaign,
145; on Schiff as hero worshiper, 42;
at Schiff’s funeral, 246; on Schiff’s
Hebrew, 2; on Schiff’s opposition to
Allied loans, 197; on Schiff’s relig-
ious behavior, 100; on Schiff’s role in
the “language war,” 185–86; at Ver-
sailles, 241
Adler, Felix, 49
Agadir Crisis, 190
Agricultural colonization, 117–19
Ahlwardt, Hermann, 131
AJC. SeeAmerican Jewish Committee
AJRC (American Jewish Relief Com-
mittee), 211, 212
Alexander, James, 26
Allen, Frederick Lewis, 8, 54
Alliance Israélite Universelle: on needy
Jews in New York, 84; Schiff and
American Jewish Committee coop-
eration with, 112; Schiff preferring
German Hilfsverein to, 47; and
Schiff’s crusade for Russian Jews,
125, 142; on Schiff’s international
role, 56; and Schiff’s Mexican settle-
ment plan, 170; Schiff suggests send-
ing immigrants to San Francisco,
159; as seeking to control emigration
process, 87
American China Development Com-
pany, 36
American Friends of German Democ-
racy, 201
American Hebrew(newspaper), 127
American Israelite(newspaper), 182
Americanization: and Christianity, 94;
elitism as inconsistent with, 249;
ghettos as impervious to, 86, 117;
Hebrew Technical Institute in, 91;
Jewish leaders demanding, 50, 89,
98; Jewish Theological Seminary in,
96, 97, 98, 99, 102, 104; and the ke-
hillah,116; prewar crusade harden-
ing prejudice against Jews, 70; Schiff
in Americanization of Jewish immi-
grants, xiii; wartime crusade for, 200,
201, 203
American Jewish Chronicle(periodical),
192, 194, 221
American Jewish Committee (AJC): in
American Jewish Congress debate,
215–24; on the Balfour Declara-
tion, 235–36; and the Bolshevik