A Study in American Jewish Leadership

(avery) #1

American Jewish Committee (continued)
revolution, 242, 243–44; Brandeis
asks for support for international
Zionist institutions, 211; in combat-
ing anti-Semitism, 54; founding of,
111–12; holding meetings with
other groups, 154; immigration re-
striction opposed by, 157; and Jewish
settlement in Turkish lands, 174;
Jews in the Eastern War Zone,213;
and the kehillah,113–14; on loans to
Russia in World War I, 196; loyalty
resolution of, 202; and Polish Jews,
240, 241; pro-German charges
against, 201; and Provisional
Government of Russia, 208–9; in
Russian treaty abrogation campaign,
144–52; Schiff on compromising
with Zionism, 227–28; Schiff on
strengthening, 250; on separate
Russian-German peace, 207; on
wartime immigration bills, 205
American Jewish Congress, 214–24;
American Jewish Committee oppos-
ing, 115, 215; as democratic and
antielitist, 210, 216, 222, 248; down-
town Jews supporting, 116–17; es-
tablished Jews opposing, 110–11;
postponement until after the war,
223; Schiff opposed to perpetuation
of, 250; and Schiff’s shift toward
Zionism, 226; Zionist support for,
111, 210, 215–23
American Jewish Relief Committee
(AJRC), 211, 212
American Jews: agrarian myths of, 117;
ambiguous situation of, 48; as am-
bivalent toward eastern European
immigrants, 153–54; Americaniza-
tion and patriotism of, 50; anti-
Russian sentiment in World War I,
195, 196, 288n.20; bankers, 6, 7, 52–
53, 78, 135; and the Bolshevik revo-
lution, 242–44; on conscription,
202; contributions to American cul-
ture, 75–76; crime by, 84, 95, 108,
112, 156; discrimination against, xii,

7, 51, 52, 70–75, 201, 203; Federa-
tion of American Zionists, 176, 179,
224, 225; as “foreign element” in so-
ciety, 91, 111; foreign Jews defended
by, 125; as hyphenated Americans,
190; immigration restriction op-
posed by, 154; Jewish education sup-
ported by Schiff, 79–81; leadership
of, 41–42; in New Amsterdam, 60;
in New York City, 5; philanthropy
among, 56–57; philanthropy as
weapon in defense of, 60–61, 69–
75; population growth of, 248–49;
rabbis, 41; a representative organiza-
tion for, 109–11, 214–24; Russia de-
nying visas to, 133, 144–45; Schiff as
foremost leader of, 41, 45–46; Schiff
on unity of, 3, 41, 50–51, 115, 227,
236; Schiff recommending for public
office, 51–52; social and economic
mobility of, 7; Socialist pacifism in,
205–7; in Society for Ethical Cul-
ture, 49; as taking care of their own,
60; in world Jewry, 47; in World
War I, 201–3; Zionism as attractive
to ethnic-minded, 187; Zionist Or-
ganization of America, 187, 188,
224, 230, 232; Zionists, 106, 236–

  1. See alsoGerman American Jews;
    eastern European Jewish immigrants
    American Neutral Conference Com-
    mittee, 191, 196
    American Red Cross, 8, 69, 203–5,
    American Smelting and Refining,
    Anglo-Jewish Association, 112, 125,
    173, 226
    Anti-Bolshevist(magazine), 243
    Anti-Semitism: American Jewish Com-
    mittee combating, 54; discrimina-
    tion against American Jews, xii, 7,
    51, 52, 70–75, 201, 203; eastern Eu-
    ropean Jewish immigrants causing,
    85, 108, 221; enlightened public
    opinion as weapon against, 128; of
    Ford, 116, 150, 244–45, 249; as

302 Index
302 Index

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