A Study in American Jewish Leadership

(avery) #1

Britain. SeeGreat Britain
Bryan, William Jennings, 191
Budge, Henry, 4
Budge, Schiff & Company, 4, 5, 12–13,
Bukharin, Nikolai, 243
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 73–74

Cable, Benjamin, 166–67
Cahan, Abraham, 59, 139, 140
Carnegie, Andrew, 63–64, 246
Carnegie Hall meeting (1915), 211–12
Carosso, Vincent, 7, 31
Cassel, Sir Ernest: Baghdad railroad in-
vestment of, 173; Chinese activities
of, 35, 37; conversion of, 50; in Gug-
genheim ventures, 24; Japan sup-
ported in Russo-Japanese war, 33; on
leadership, 42–43; and Mesopota-
mian settlement plan, 173; message
of condolence for Schiff, 246; Mexi-
can business interests of, 170; on
Russian Jews, 143–44; Schiff confid-
ing Jewish concerns in, 40; as Schiff’s
closest friend, 11–12; in Schiff’s cru-
sade for Russian Jews, 125
Castle Garden, 49, 84
Central Conference of American Rab-
bis, 42, 175
Central Jewish Institute, 221
Central Relief Committee, 211
Chamber of Commerce, 8, 25, 51, 53,
Charity Organization Society, 70, 71,
Chicago & North Western Railroad, 13
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail-
road, 15–16, 18
China, 33–39; American China Devel-
opment Company, 36; Boxer Rebel-
lion, 36; foreign concessions in, 36;
Hukuang railroad loan, 37, 38; Man-
churia, 34, 36, 37, 38; Sino-Japanese
war of 1894–95, 33
City College of New York, 79
Clemenceau, Georges, 191
Cohen, Henry, 164

Colonization, agricultural, 117–19
Columbia University, 61, 72, 73–74,
Committee of Agricultural Pursuits
(UAHC), 118
Committee of Jewish Delegations, 241
Committee on Public Information, 201
Commons, John, 122
Coney Island, 67
Conscription, 202, 205
Conservative Judaism: Schiff as at-
tracted to, 100; Schiff as having ac-
cess to, 45; Schiff contributing to
rabbinical seminary of, 80. See also
Jewish Theological Seminary
Conversion: Christian missionary activ-
ity, 48, 68, 108; Schiff on, 50
Corbin, August, 53, 67
Cornell University, 72, 74, 192, 200
Court Jews, 44, 110
Cowen, Philip, 89–90
Cox, James, 200
Crime, Jewish, 84, 95, 108, 112, 156
Cultural Zionism, 179, 182, 225, 226,
230, 236
Currency reform, 29
Curti, Merle, 63
Cutler, Harry, 223
Cyrenaica, 283n.48
Czechoslovakia, 239

Damascus Affair of 1840, 125
Davis, Allen, 92
Davis, Robert, 243
Davison, Henry, 39, 204, 290n.46
Day(newspaper), 197, 218, 284n.59
Dearborn Independent(newspaper), 116,
150, 244–45, 299n.18
De Forest, Robert, 71
Dernburg, Bernhard, 193, 194, 287n.13
“Deserving poor,” 61
Deutsch, Gotthard, 101
Devine, Edward T., 158, 280n.11
Dewey, Melvil, 52
Dillingham immigration bill, 157
Distribution of immigrants. SeeImmi-
grant distribution

304 Index

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